Friday, May 9, 2014

What Challenges YOU?

It was a beautiful sunny weekend last summer and I was out for a hike when I discovered this never ending set of stairs.  My eyes lit up and I immediately had this thought…how cool would it be to run up those stairs a few times per week during my lunch hour?  Monday morning I packed up my workout clothes and eagerly waited for the 1p hour…I was ready to conquer those steps (240 to be exact)!!! 
My first time out, I made it up twice and to be honest it was pure hell…I was huffing & puffing but determined to finish what I has set out to do.  I continued to do this challenge for a few weeks during lunch but eventually it faded.  All great workout plans include variety, so I reintroduced the stairs back into my regime two weeks ago and what a difference!   My body has come a long way and I am in far better shape these days!  Last night I was able to run up those stairs 6 times!  Sure I am a bit sore today and I can feel different muscles in my legs that were challenged, but more importantly it took my cardio to another level…which means quicker speed and faster running in my future.
Here’s to setting goals, crushing them and never giving up!
“I know the price of success: Dedication, Hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

Meet Picasso….I promise you he is more enthusiastic about our walks than this :) Don't let that face fool ya!  LOL 

AND with that quote in mind…here is my fail proof plan for the week:
Saturday:  Spinning & Run

Sunday: Run

Monday: Walking Picasso

Tuesday : Yoga

Wednesday : Morning Run  & Walking Picasso

Thursday: Spinning

Friday : Rest Day

All work and No Play?!? – Uh never…where’s the fun in that?  I leave you with this amazing Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding…I promise it is love at first bite and healthy…I call that a WIN WIN situation!
Chia Seed Pudding:
2 Tablespoons Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
2 Tablespoons of Coconut Sugar or Pure Maple Syrup
¼ Cup Chia Seeds
1 Cup of Milk (I used unsweetened Almond Milk)
Mix Cocoa powder, sugar and chia seeds together in a bowl, stir until no lumps remain.  Warm milk a bit on the stove or using a microwave and pour into mixture to incorporate.  Allow to sit for a few minutes and stir again.  Place in a covered container and refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight.  This makes two servings at appx 190 calories each.  Enjoy!
PS. I added bit of un-sweetened coconut for FUN!

1 comment:

  1. First of all - those stairs? Ridiculous! You're a BEAST for doing them 6 times. I was impressed with 2!! And could Picasso be any cuter? That face!! I love the variety in your workout plan, too. I have to keep things from getting boring.
