Sunday, April 27, 2014

Clean Eating Oatmeal Pie (Carrot/Apple or Zucchini)


Another breakfast of champions as far I am concerned!  There are a several variations to this wonderful recipe that will allow you to mix it up and do what suits your style! I first made it using carrots and since then I have made it with apples and even zucchini.  All yummy!  

2 Cups Oatmeal (Quick cooking oats holds together better but I have used steel cut and it's fine)
1 Teaspoon Vanilla
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder
1/4 Cup Pure Maple Syrup or Agave Nectar
1/3 Cup Raisins
1/3 Walnut Pieces
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1 1/2 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk 
1 Teaspoon Sea Salt 

Depending on what flavor you are making - add shredded apples, carrots or zucchini.  I used a cheese grater to shred. 

1 Whole Apple - including apple peel - minus core
2 Medium Zucchinis - including peel
2 Whole Carrots 

Mix everything in a large bowl, place in a lightly greased pie pan (I used coconut oil spray But Spray Pam would work too) and bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes until firm.  

Serve alone or with plain greek yogurt and berries.  Enjoy! 
Store left overs in the fridge! 

Carrot Cake Oatmeal Pie - Carrots are Heirloom Rainbow Carrots (Reason for multiple colors) 

Apple Oatmeal Pie 

I Sprinkled with a bit more Cinnamon before Baking :)
Served with Plain Greek Yogurt, Berries, Hemp and Chia Seeds

Friday, April 25, 2014

What "Eating Clean" means to me….

As many of you know this journey started in January 2014 with a "friendly" office weight loss competition. I won the competition and developed a whole new respect for taking care of my self.
Positive Changes in my Health since eating clean:
Change in taste buds/cravings:  I now crave raw, cut vegetables instead of my former laughing cow cheese and Wheat Thins.

Satisfaction:  I have a feeling of satisfaction after meals instead of hunger that used to ensue 20-30 minutes after a meal.
Increased Energy:  When I originally started eating clean, I had so much energy that I could wake up early in the morning complete an hour of exercise, work all day and rush home to exercise again.  Sitting around was not an option…I was like a race horse, I could not wait to get out and run!  My body is now getting used to this abundance of energy and things are starting calm down.

What clean eating means to me:

Swapping out (and reducing) sugar – I have cut refined processed sugar from my diet… the obvious cookies, candy, soda and desserts.  But I took it one step further and cut out starches too.  Our household meals always consisted of a starch – pasta, bread or rice.   I believe carbohydrates are an excellent source of energy and necessary.  So I swapped them and once or twice a week, we have either whole wheat cous cous, quinoa or brown rice.

86’d the Booze – I should start by saying I was never a big drinker, but I enjoyed the occasional weeknight glass of wine and few on the weekends.  I figured if I was going to give clean eating a fair shake, I had to cut drinking.  I wanted to feel my absolute best and I knew adding poison even on occasion would not get me there. 

Dairy – I LOVE cheese…I mean LOVE cheese….cheese and wine as a matter of fact.  I seriously wondered how I would survive without cheese on my Mexican food…no cheddar on my tacos???  Crazy talk.  Well, I cut that too and I have to say I don’t miss it….that’s what avocado is for!  I have never been a milk drinker, so giving that up was easy.  I don’t believe dairy is evil…I still love my greek yogurt in my smoothies…it was mainly cheese for me and if I were going to lose weight…I had to give it up (at least for now).  
Clean eating boils down to choices for me. I choose to take better care of myself and I am loving the way I feel these days. Below are some progress pictures (AKA: Selfies) that I have taken along the journey.
Left Picture Sept 2013 - Right Picture April 2014

Left Picture Dec 2013- Right Picture April 2014

Left Picture - When it all started (the date is incorrect - picture is from 2009) Right Picture is Feb 2014

Sweet Potato Breakfast

Sweet Potato w/ Nut Butter and Berries:

I love breakfast…it is my favorite meal of the day.  I am always dreaming up ways to make it interesting, keep it fresh but more importantly get the best bang for my buck in the nutrition department.  This recipe was built from my love for oatmeal….I wrecked my brain to come up with another complex carbohydrate and sweet potato jumped right in its place…
Since I work and leave the house early in the morning, I pre-prep this meal by baking 3 or 4 sweet potatoes on Sunday.  I store them in a large zip lock bag in the fridge and use one per day.  
A large sweet potato will make two servings.  

Wash the sweet potatoes really well….place on a baking sheet and bake at 350-375 degrees until fork tender.  Cut the sweet potato in half, remove from the skin and spread a bit of coconut oil on the flesh (this is in place of butter) a tiny bit will do.
Sprinkle with cinnamon, add a tablespoon of raw almond butter or peanut butter & top with berries of your choice.  If you prefer a bit of sweetness, you can drizzle agave nectar or honey on top!

1 large sweet potato (makes 2 servings)
Coconut oil – just a bit for flavor
Cinnamon – sprinkle
Fresh berries – Blueberries, Strawberries, Blackberries or Raspberries
Agave nectar or Honey
Raw peanut butter or almond butter
Hemp seeds or Chia seeds or both

This breakfast is a powerhouse after a great workout but can certainly be enjoyed anytime.  It seriously is my favorite thing right now!


Friday, April 18, 2014

Catching Up

Hi Everyone,

Wow!!!! It has been almost 4 months since my last blog post….where has the time gone?  I have made some changes and I decided to fine tune my blog into a healthy / clean eating inspirational blog….Yes, the past four months have been about refocusing my efforts on becoming the person I know I can be and uncovering her.  It all started with a weigh in challenge at work in January.  Six co-workers including myself jumped on the New Year's resolution band wagon and made a bet "Who can lose ten pounds first?" We all put in our ten bucks and started the journey.  This was one of the best decisions that I have made in a long time….it became more than losing weight.  I won the challenge and as of today, I am down a total of 16lbs!!!  BUT it is much more than weight loss….I have discovered I can run faster, push my body harder and treat myself better.  I am learning to eat healthier with proper nutrition and love myself a bit more each day!

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter and I promise to be back with healthy recipes and progress pics.  I will be updating and checking in at least once a week with fun stuff and getting back to what I love, blogging and sharing recipes!
