Friday, June 6, 2014

Veggie Pasta

Getting Creative…
So this little gadget I am about to tell you about was a total impulse purchase.  Ever have one of those?  Someone mentioned to me you could make “pasta” using vegetables, so I did a 20 second google search and found the “Paderno Spiralizer”.  It looked cool, next thing I know, it’s in my on-line shopping basket.  A week later, the spiralizer shows up at my doorstep.   I never open the box, just safely put it in the back of a drawer and told myself that one day I will figure out how to set it up & make “veggie pasta”.  Fast forward six months, I decided to use this contraption over the weekend and let me tell ya, it is my new favorite kitchen item next to the Kitchen Aid Mixer!  I can’t get enough of it and I can’t believe how amazing the zucchini pasta turns out!  From what I understand, you can use a variety of squash, sweet potatoes and even mushrooms.  I will venture out and keep you updated but for now, let me share this amazing recipe!
3 Large Zucchinis – washed and ends chopped off
5 cloves of garlic – minced
1 Large swirl of Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Fresh Basil
Fresh Parmesan – if you want the total pasta experience!

Spiralize the zucchini (set aside).  Heat olive oil in a large pan and sauté garlic until fragrant and lightly toasted.  Add zucchini, salt & pepper.  Allow to cook for 5 minutes or so until combined and heated through and tad bit soft (Don't overcook).   Adjust season to taste and fold in fresh sliced basil.  

You will notice in the picture, I added a bit of carrots to mine.   I should mention that I am also a fan of the Spaghetti Squash and use the whole “baked and scraped” approach, but in my opinion, this zucchini method is more of the real deal….less watery and has more of a pasta texture.||NoFacet-_-NoFacet-_-NoMerchRules

I served with Grilled Halibut!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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